Thursday 8 August 2013

Things from the internet

Its been absolutely ages since I did a post like this about different things I've been reading and thinking about around the internet.

This gorgeous lettering and sentiment is by Mary Kate McDevitt, there are a lot of other beautiful pieces on her website too.

I've been having discussions about gender and masculinity/ femininity with several different friends recently.
An acquaintance wrote this article for the New Statesman about being a male feminist, which I rather like but the comments are a bit rubbish.
I loved this piece on Vagenda about the importance of people's stories and their role in forming the way we think about society and our shared histories

I'm currently in training for Salford Triathlon which I'm doing as part of a relay, so I'm only doing the swimming bit. I love this shot of swimmers doing an Ironman triathlon by Wayne Levain
I also love this picture of swimming in the rain that I can't find a source for anywhere even after doing that google image thing so if you know where it's from I'd love to know.
I think Marielle at Magical Day Dream does some absolutely beautiful and creative things that engage people in art and thought. I really loved reading about her giving away 1000 paper cranes to strangers and people's responses to her. So interesting

Finally, I've been intrigued to read about different ways of learning and pursuing knowledge and understanding outside the realms of traditional academia. Two scholars have been filming different systems around the world and hope to make a documentary
This post about one woman's own unschooling in her free time to learn more and find out more about the wider world has made me think about the ways we can use free resources to engage more fully with learning.


  1. Such an interesting mix of things you've found here! I like that Mary Kate McDevitt print very much. x

  2. Gorgeous print, I'm off to browse her website now!
